The purpose of the Alli Paasikivi Foundation is to promote the social security of families in society. The foundation annually awards grants for both cultural and development initiatives as well as research that advance the Foundation’s mission. The application process for cultural and development projects takes place in the fall. Research grants are awarded at the beginning of the year.
Applicants will be notified of decisions personally and you can also find results here: https://allinsaatio.fi/apurahat/myonnetyt-apurahat/
Information about the grants
The Foundation makes announcements about the grants via public notices on its website, in Tiedejatutkimus.fi website, and in Helsingin Sanomat.
The Foundation communicates both positive and negative grant decisions by email via the electronic application system. Grant recipients provide their commitment and payment information via the electronic grant system. By their commitment, grant recipients authorize the posting of their names on the website in connection with the awarding decision.
Information about the rules and regulations for pension and accident insurance for grant recipients is available from Mela, the Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution, at https://www.mela.fi/fi/apurahansaajat.
Types of grants
Cultural grants for registered associations and foundations
The purpose of the Alli Paasikivi Foundation is to promote the social security of families in society. The foundation grants funding only to projects that support the purpose of the foundation.
Cultural initiatives are projects that must be implemented within one year of awarding the grant. Networking and collaborations between several partners are viewed favorably when evaluating cultural grant applications. Publishing or printing one’s own work or production is not considered a cultural initiative. Applicants can be registered associations or foundations. Grants awarded are between 5000 – 10 000 €.
The application is made using an electronic form: https://aps.apurahat.fi
Mandatory attachments are the annual report and financial statements from the previous financial year, as well as the project’s budget.
Information about grants: info@allinsaatio.fi
Development grants for registered associations and foundations
The purpose of the Alli Paasikivi Foundation is to promote the social security of families in society. The foundation grants funding only to projects that support the purpose of the foundation.
Development grants are awarded to registered associations and foundations for the development of or experimentation with a novel approach, and for practical applications of research data. Projects must be completed within one year of awarding the grant. Grants awarded are between 8000 – 20 000 €.
The projects can be, for example, those that pilot tools and methods intended for monitoring or identifying activities that support children, young people and families. In the evaluation of the projects, special attention is paid to the fact that the project is goal oriented, scalable and includes cooperation between different actors.
It is also possible to apply for further funding for particularly successful projects that have received funding from the Alli Paasikivi Foundation in previous years. In this case, the project plan should provide a good justification of how further funding could, for example, consolidate and deepen the operation of the project or apply it to a new target group.
The application is made using an electronic form: https://aps.apurahat.fi
Mandatory attachments are the annual report and financial statements from the previous financial year, as well as the project’s budget.
Information about grants: info@allinsaatio.fi
Research grants for individuals
The purpose of the Alli Paasikivi Foundation is to promote the social security of families in society. The foundation grants funding only to research that support the purpose of the foundation.
Research funding is awarded in the form of individual grants. The research grant is awarded for a maximum of one year at a time, and the amount of the grant is 26 355 € per year.
The application period for research grants is announced early in the year. The application period is usually two weeks and decisions are usually made in April. Decisions will be notified to grant recipients in person and on the website by the end of May. The aim is to pay the grants in June.
The application is made using an electronic form: https://aps.apurahat.fi If you do have technical problems with electronic system, please contact systems customer support: hakemustuki@datalink.fi
Research projects that are viewed favorably include high-quality applications at either the dissertation or post-doctoral level. Of academic thesis projects, only dissertations are eligible for funding.
The grant must be used for the purpose for which it was awarded. As a general rule, the use of a research grant must begin within one year of being awarded.
Funding is not provided for undergraduate studies, travel, printing, equipment or the hiring of support staff.
The following attachment are submitted as part of research grant application:
- Research plan (12,000 characters including spaces), the list of sources is not included in the length of the research plan.
- Recommendations.
- A curriculum vitae that follows the model recommended by TENK and a list of publications that uses the publication type classification of the Ministry of Education.
- Progress report (if the researcher has previously received a grant from the Alli Paasikivi Foundation and is applying for a continuation).
- Ethics committee statement (if it is necessary for the research).
- In registry studies, permission of the registry holder (if it is necessary for the research).
- Commitment of the research location (for post-doctoral researchers).
- Possible other attachments (if they are relevant to the research).
The research plan, CV and recommendations are mandatory for all applicants. The maximum length of the research plan is 12,000 characters (including spaces), the list of sources is not included in the length. The research plan must clearly indicate the research task involved the project, the method of study and analysis, a timeline, and a budget. The research plan can be written in Finnish, Swedish or English. For doctoral students, a recommendation must also indicate the applicant’s participation in a doctoral program. If grant funding is sought for research that has received previous funding from the Alli Paasikivi Foundation for the same purpose, a progress report must be provided. An ethics committee statement, permission of a registry holder and possible other attachments must be included if they are relevant to the research. The application must state whether the ethics committee statement is in process.
The application form must be filled out carefully in all respects. It is not enough that things become clear from the attachments. The form is used as an evaluation aid, and its incomplete completion may have a negative effect on the evaluation of the application.
The next application period will be open in 26.2.-12.3.2025.
Application procedure
The applications are submitted via an electronic system at: https://aps.apurahat.fi. Each grant type has its own, separate form, which can be found in the above-mentioned grant application system. If you need technical support, contact hakemustuki@datalink.fi
For dissertations and research projects, a one-step application process is followed. Research grants are awarded in the form of individual grants.
Grant amounts
The Foundation awards research grants for a maximum of one year at a time. Dissertation work may be funded for a maximum of three years, subject to an annual application and an accompanying progress report. The amount of the grant is 26 355 € per year.
For cultural initiatives and for development projects the Foundation grants a amount between 5000 € – 20 000 €.
Cultural initiatives and development projects: The grant applicant must clearly state the amount of money applied for. The accompanying budget must contain a breakdown of which expenses the funding would be used for.
Use, payment and deferral of the grant
Grants are generally paid in a single installment within two months of the announcement of the grant decisions, provided that the grant recipient submits their commitment and payment information on time. The grant must be taken into use no later than the beginning of the following year. The duration of the grant period can only be extended for a justified reason (parental leave, long-term illness). The request must be submitted to the Foundation’s grants coordinator milla.karkulahti@allinsaatio.fi Grant recipients must notify the Foundation immediately if they do not intend to use the grant. If the grant is not used for the purpose for which it was awarded, it may be charged back.
Reporting and monitoring
The grant recipient must report on the use of the grant for its intended purpose within three months of the end of the grant period (grant period is one year and it begins when grant is paid). The report is submitted via the electronic grant system. The report must address the effectiveness and outcomes of the grant. Photographs and web addresses can be attached to the report. A report should not include information that is not public. Reporting is done through the same electronic system as the application.