Purpose of the grant
The Alli Paasikivi Foundation works to increase the social security of families in our society. The foundation grants funding only to projects that support the purpose of the foundation. As a rule, the grant must be used within one year of being awarded, for the purpose for which it was awarded.
Applicants will be notified of decisions by the end of the application period personally and the name of the grant recipient, project and grant amount are published on the Foundation’s website.
Grant commitment
The grant recipient must fill out a grant commitment and payment information in the grant system after the grant has been awarded. By their commitment, the grantee also commits to reporting on their use of the grant within three months of the end of the grant period. The grant period is one year and it’s considered to begin from the time that the grant payment is made.
The grant commitment is provided via the online grant system, using the same login information used to submit the application, at https://aps.apurahat.fi.
If you have trouble signing in you can email at hakemustuki@datalink.fi
Mentioning the Foundation
The grant recipient should mention the name of the Alli Paasikivi Foundation in printed and digital products. The Foundation’s logo can be downloaded here.
If you have received a grant from Finland, your employment pension insurance is managed by Mela, the Farmers’ Social Insurance Institution. It is the grantee’s responsibility to take care of the insurance. The insurance obligation applies to those who have received an individual grant as well as to those whose work within a team is funded through a grant.
You will need to apply for pension insurance if
- your grant was awarded for work lasting at least four months
- a grant for work lasting less than four months may also be insured, subject to certain conditions, by linking it to a valid insurance policy. For more information, please see Apurahan yhdistäminen.
- you are not employed by the grantor
- you are between the ages of 18 and 68, but not receiving old-age pension
- you are covered by Finnish social security.
If you are covered by Finnish social security, you must also obtain insurance when working on scholarship abroad, or if you come from abroad to work in Finland. More information: https://www.mela.fi/apurahansaajat/
Use, payment and deferral of the grant
Grants are generally paid in a single installment within two months of the announcement of the grant decisions, provided that the grant recipient submits their commitment and payment information on time. The grant must be taken into use no later than at the beginning of the following year.
The duration of the grant period can only be extended for a justified reason (parental leave, long-term illness). The request must be submitted to the Foundation in writing.
If the grant is not used for the purpose for which it was awarded, it may be recovered. Notify the Foundation’s secretary immediately if you do not intend to use the grant. Also notify the Foundation if you receive other funding, if your contact or other information has changed, you take up paid employment, or if the purpose of the grant changes significantly. Parental leave, long-term sick leave or part-time work must also be reported.
For changes to the grants, you can contact the foundation’s grant coordinator: milla.karkulahti@allinsaatio.fi
Paid work during the grant period
During the grant period, it is possible to hold a position or perform other paid work on a limited basis, up to a 25% capacity. The principle is that during the grant period, which is intended for full-time work, it is nevertheless possible to engage in, for example, occasional or regular hourly work. If there is a need to work more, for example on a part-time basis, this will affect the duration of the grant and must be agreed separately with the Foundation. It is not possible to be the beneficiary of another work grant or unemployment benefits during the grant period.
Rescinding the grant
If the grant has not been used within two years of being awarded, it will be rescinded without notice. The grant will be rescinded if the work for which the grant was awarded has not been carried out. If the grant has not been used in accordance with the instructions, the as-yet unpaid grant amount may be rescinded and already paid grant amounts be recovered.
The grant recipient must declare the grant received from the Foundation on their tax return. The Foundation notifies the tax authority annually of the grants it has paid out to natural persons. Read more about instructions concerning grant taxation.
Reporting on the use of the grant
The grant recipient must report on the use of the grant for its intended purpose within three months of the end of the grant period. The grant period is one year and considered to begin the moment that the grant payment is made. The reporting is done via the electronic application system at https://aps.apurahat.fi.
Useful links about a grant recipient’s rights and obligations: